SEO Audit Checklist : The Ultimate Guide

SEO Audit is a Process to evaluate your website and have found your website is lacking with ON Page SEO, Technical SEO and Off Page SEO. The Purpose of  SEO Audit to identify the validation errors in website, website weaknesses, Strength and overall effectiveness in search engine results.

Advantages of SEO Audit Checklist:

  1. Improved Website Performance
  2. Identify Website Errors like Page issues , Technical errors
  3. Competitor Analysis
  4. BackLink Analysis

On Page Checklist

1. Meta Tags:

Meta Tags is basically placement of all relevant keywords and Meta tags on the website adjusted according to relevance and character limit to maximize its exposure in search results.

Meta Title: Title tags, also known as title components, define the title of a document. Title tags are frequently used on search engine results pages (SERPs) to display preview snippets for a certain page, and they are vital for SEO as well as social sharing.

Title Tags

Meta Description: Meta descriptions allow you to influence how your web pages are described and displayed in search results. Make sure your most crucial keywords are included in an informative Meta description.

Meta Description

Make sure that each of your web pages has a distinct, simple Meta description that includes the most significant keywords. These keywords are particularly significant since they are highlighted when they fit the user’s search query. 

2. Heading Tags:

Insert your keywords in the headings, while making certain your most significant keywords are on the first level (H1>). Avoid duplicating the content of your title tag in your header tag. Use only one H1> tag per page for better SEO.

While it is critical to include an H1> tag on every page, if you are using HTML5, only add one per page. Use numerous H2> – H6> tags instead.

3. Open Graph Metas:

Open Graph meta tags are a set of meta tags that tell social media platforms how to display material when it is shared. These tags are most commonly associated with Facebook, but they are also supported by other social networking sites such as LinkedIn and Twitter.

4. Internal Linking:

Linking our most significant web pages from other sites on our website helps pass link juice and improves ranking.

5. URL Structure: 

Example of a well-structured URL:

Example of a Poor URL:

A well-structured URL not only helps users understand the content of the page but also provides valuable information to search engines.

Technical SEO Checklist:

1. Sitemap:

A sitemap contains crawlable URLs and can include additional information such as your site’s most recent modifications, frequency of changes, and relevance of the URLs. This enables search engines to crawl the site with greater intelligence. 

XML sitemaps provide a list of your URLs that are ready to be indexed, allowing search engines to view your pages more intelligently. They can also include information such as the most recent revisions to your site, the frequency of changes, and the significance of URLs.

2. Robots.Txt:

A robots.txt file allows you to restrict search engine robots that crawl the web’s access and block them from visiting certain directories and pages. It also defines the location of the XML sitemap file.

For Example:

3. Canonical Issues:

When there are many versions of the same material accessible via different URLs, the process of picking the preferred or canonical version of a webpage is known as canonicalization. This helps to avoid problems like duplicate content penalties and guarantees that the search engine assigns value to the correct URL.

You can add a canonical tag to the HTML of each page, indicating the preferred version

4. Website Performance:

The speed of a website has a significant impact on its performance, influencing user experience, conversion rates, and even rankings. Users are less likely to become distracted when page load times are reduced, and search engines are more likely to reward you by placing your pages higher in the SERPs.

(Note: Core Web Vitals  is Ranking Factor in SEO)

Core Web Vitals Checklist

  1. FCP: The length of time it takes for a user to view the first content on a website, whether it’s photos, text, logos, background graphics, or non-white canvas sections, is referred to as FCP. It should be between 0 and 2 seconds.                                                                                                                                                                                             

  2. INP: Interaction to Next Paint (INP) is a field metric that assesses the responsiveness of a page. A page is deemed responsive if it responds fast to user input.
  3. LCP: Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is a Core Web Vital that measures the time, in seconds, from the initiation of the page to the display of the largest text block or image element on the screen.                                       

  4. CLS: Core Web Vital that calculates the total score of any unexpected layout adjustments within the viewport that occur over the course of a page’s duration.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

5. Broken Link Checkers:

Users are directed to non-existent web pages when links are broken. They are detrimental to the usability, reputation, and SEO of your website. If you come across any broken links in the future, take the effort to replace or remove them.

6. Schema Markup:

Leverage Google’s Rich Snippets to enhance your content for various categories, including reviews, individuals, products, businesses and organizations, recipes, events, videos, and music. If your website falls into one of these categories, we strongly recommend incorporating microdata to annotate your content. Rich Snippets within search engine results are generated through Structured Data Markup.

This enables website owners to convey structured data to search engine robots, facilitating their comprehension of your content and the generation of well-structured search results.

Note: Schema is not a ranking factor. Basically Schema helps to provide additional information on SERPs. 

Importants Schemas you can use in Website

  1. Local Schema
  2. Organization Schema
  3. Faq Schema
  4. Product Schema
  5. Website Schema
  6. Breadcrumb Schema

3. Content Checklist

A content checklist in SEO is a methodical tool that ensures the material on a website adheres to recommended practises for search engine optimisation. Here is a checklist to assist you in optimizing your content:

1. Content Relevance: 

Ensure that your content is relevant to your target audience and addresses their needs. 

Use keywords naturally within the content to improve relevance.

2. Keyword Density: 

Maintain a natural keyword density; avoid keyword stuffing. 

Ensure keywords are incorporated seamlessly into the content.

3. Content Length: 

Aim for comprehensive content that provides value. 

Longer-form content often performs well, but prioritizes quality over quantity.

4. Backlink Analysis:

Backlinks and Referring Domains:

Backlinks are the number of links connected to your website that directly add to search engine results.

Referring Domains:

Amount of distinct domains connecting to your website


Free SEO Audit Tools

  1. SEO Quake: for Meta Tags , Heading Tags
  2. Schema Markup : Validtor Schema
  3. Page Speed Insight: Website speed Check (Mobile and Desktop Page Speed)
  4. Semrush: Backlink checkers
  5. Ahrefs: Competitors Analysis
  6. Keyword Research: Google Keywords Planners
  7. Google Search Console: 404 Errors

YapaYup Will help you Conduct Compelte SEO Audit

Do you need assistance with any of the steps in our SEO audit checklist? Do you want to boost the SEO performance of your website?

YapaYup has over 7 years of experience optimising SEO efforts to improve customer results.

Look no further than YapaYup if you’re seeking for a company that produces valuable outcomes. Our staff will assist you in auditing your SEO plan in order to deliver more valuable results.

Contact us today to completely audit your website so you can earn more revenue from the Internet!

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